In our India more people didn't know,What is demat account?Some body discuss about stock market,In between my be also.Some doubts,questions rise between our group.More questions rise what is demat account.Ones my friend asked me,My open a demat.Next day try to demat open at the town.My and my friend on motor cycle round the town no one of security limited any one over the town.Our Indians no more about demat accounts.We have 8% people in India.In developed countries 40% above demat holders.Demat account means "Demeterlised account" means not set by productivity, you deposit only paper statement of equity shares.Physically not possible set by any quantity of production in long period.Any listed company unlimited equity shares deposited in the demat account is possible life long.One example in a future you build a house.We are necessary cement,iron and other building material.It is not possible physically that material set by present.In same material possible in form of equity shares for future.
You open a demat account any recognized security limited companies.You open a all in one demat account,That means equity,commodity,currency trading and investment.